A contract is a voluntary agreement between parties that frequently is enforceable with binding legal impact. Different than other aspects of the law, contract law allows parties to creatively institute their specific wishes and rights, so long as those wishes and rights remain within the legal boundaries set out by the law. As there is more freedom with contracts, it is imperative that a party knows what exactly the contract says, including its obligations under the contract.
At O’Daniel McDonald, our Sandy Springs attorneys have a broad depth of skill and expertise negotiating, drafting and reviewing varying types of contracts.
50+ Years of Combined Legal Experience In Atlanta Serving All of Georgia
O’Daniel McDonald attorneys work with businesses and individuals to defend commercial and personal interests, protect and grow assets, and educate about legal rules and implications. We are committed to providing personalized service, candid legal advice and efficient counsel.
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O'Daniel | McDonald, LLC
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O’Daniel McDonald Attorneys are licensed to practice throughout the state of Georgia.