Fiduciary litigation may arise when a person in a position of trust, whether in a corporate context, or a trust & estate setting, is accused of neglecting their responsibility or misusing the powers they have been entrusted with in a way that is harmful to the entity or individuals they serve.

In the corporate context, because corporate fiduciaries, such as officers, board members, partners, certain members, or certain employees or agents, are in positions of trust and often have some degree of control or insight into an entity, Georgia law subjects them to various duties and requirements, including duties of oversight, loyalty, care, disclosure, non-competition, and good faith and fair dealing.

In the trust & estate setting, because fiduciaries, such as a trustees, administrators, or executors, have some discretion when it comes to administering an estate or a trust, and because fiduciaries often handle large amounts of money and property that belongs to others, Georgia law subjects fiduciaries to various duties and requirements, including accounting, oversight, investment obligations, administrative tasks, and distribution responsibilities.

The attorneys at O’Daniel McDonald litigate both corporate and trust & estate fiduciary disputes and are well equipped with the skills and experience to rigorously advocate for their clients and aggressively handle fiduciary litigation.

75+ Years of Combined Legal Experience
In Atlanta Serving All of Georgia

O’Daniel McDonald attorneys work with businesses and individuals to defend commercial and personal interests, protect and grow assets, and educate about legal rules and implications. We are committed to providing personalized service, candid legal advice and efficient counsel.

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    O’Daniel McDonald Attorneys are licensed to practice throughout the state of Georgia.